Osbourne's story

Ricky found the perfect spot to get away from Ondine, up on top of the wardrobe in Kate's old car-seat. He could see everything from there. Here he is about 8 months old.

Here's Ricky enjoying some July winter sun on top of the spa. 10 months old.

He loved sleeping in the cat tunnel on a cold day, with a toy stolen from Kate's bed. He's a bit of a thief. So if anything goes missing, it's usually in the tunnel. I have found missing socks in there, a roll of sellotape, and even a bra!

Ricky is a very outdoorsy type, loves to sleep under a bush in the garden all day, only stirring to catch the odd little lizard, which he then hides under the kitchen mat. I often manage to rescue them and let them go outside, much to his disappointment. He's also a great cockroach catcher, but brings them inside too, which I wish he didn't. We have a smooch session every night, at his discretion though. He hates to be picked up and kissed when I want to, but when he wants a cuddle, he is the biggest smoocher of all time! Hope you've enjoyed hearing about him.


Rocky was adopted on 24/4/07 after 6 months in foster care.

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Animals in our Care

These animals have been rescued from various pounds and shelters by volunteer Foster Carers who provide the animal with a safe haven until they can be permanently rehomed. They are located throughout Sydney, Australia.

Please note that descriptions of breed, age and size are given in good faith and are based on assessment of the animal's features, together with veterinary opinion. We cannot guarantee the age and breed of any animal listed.

Added: 16 June 2024