Wally's story

Hi Lauren, Hope you're well!

I thought it was long overdue to give you an update on how Wally was going and send you some pics. He's growing so fast - he's now quite a big lump and we had him weighed at the vet the other day - he's 20kg!!!

Wally's pretty lively when he wants to be but most of the time he just likes to mope around in the shade. We've just started taking him for runs through Centennial Park and he manages to keep up with us much to our surprise! We took him on a holiday up the coast over New Years which was great fun - Wally was not interested in the water at all though, he just sat on the beach under the umbrella and dug big holes.

Anyways - thanks again for getting us together with our little mate Wally - I don't know what we'd do without him now! I'm sure he still has lots of fond memories of you too.

Kind regards, Age, Al and Wally

Wally was adopted on 16 November 2008 after 2 weeks in foster care

See Wally’s profile »


Animals in our Care

These animals have been rescued from various pounds and shelters by volunteer Foster Carers who provide the animal with a safe haven until they can be permanently rehomed. They are located throughout Sydney, Australia.

Please note that descriptions of breed, age and size are given in good faith and are based on assessment of the animal's features, together with veterinary opinion. We cannot guarantee the age and breed of any animal listed.

Added: 02 June 2024