George and Zelda (now Alice)'s story

As promised photos of George and Alice ( we renamed Zelda as she was so much like Alice in wonderland when we got her home).

They are wonderful together and seeing them play ( all day long) is a joy! Very happy healthy dogs, we are blessed to have them as part of the family, they go to the beach every evening or morning and love to swim and chase each other in and out of the water then roll in the sand until they are totally covered and start all over again. Alice is a shocking theif and will steal and bury anything that isnt nailed down ( cordless phone, TV remote, shoes, T Towels etc) whilst George looks on looking very innocent! I am sure he puts her up to it!

George is so happy to have someone to play with, he is calm and confident and happy to see all visitors including other dogs. They sleep one on either side of the bed ( on their own beds) or piled on top of each other snoring

We are taking them on holiday ( to Noosa) next week and look forward to exploring all the doggy beaches up there and wearing them out ( almost impossible!) Thanks for making it possible for us to have such wonderful additions to our family we are very privileged to enjoy them. Kind regards, Jodie and Sam

George was adopted on 16/7/06 after 1 year and 1 month in foster care.

Zelda was adopted on 1/3/07 after 1 and a half months in foster care.

George and Zelda (now Alice) was adopted on 29 July 2006 after 1.1 years in foster care

See George and Zelda (now Alice)’s profile »

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Animals in our Care

These animals have been rescued from various pounds and shelters by volunteer Foster Carers who provide the animal with a safe haven until they can be permanently rehomed. They are located throughout Sydney, Australia.

Please note that descriptions of breed, age and size are given in good faith and are based on assessment of the animal's features, together with veterinary opinion. We cannot guarantee the age and breed of any animal listed.

Added: 16 February 2025