Rainbow Bridge

Unfortunately, these dogs and cats didn't make it. Hopefully they are now running happily over the rainbow bridge.

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Fox Terrier/Papillon Mix - female

*Aisha is currently on hold awaiting surgery for a large mammory tumour, she also requires some dental work - vet fees are expected to be around $1,500 - please see below for details on how to help sponsor Aisha*

Introducing sweet 3.6kg Aisha, rescued from the streets and brought to the pound. Her nails were initially over 3cm and due to not being able to walk properly, Aisha trots through the grass, even though her nails have been trimmed.
Aisha is a fast learner, taking a few minutes to work out how to use the doggie door. She loves her walks, walks well on a lead, loves her cuddles and is a real lap dog. Aisha met the 2 older resident male dogs, wanting to play with them, however they weren't interested, so Aisha must go to a home with another playful dog.
Aisha's teeth are impeccable. She has a large mammory tumour which will have to be removed in the near future. Should she need desexing, this will also be done before adoption, together with a Heartworm Test.
Aisha is a very special middle aged lady. It appears she's had litter after litter and then been tossed aside with her medical problems.
If you are after a sweet little dog, please reply by e-mail to her carer and include what lifestyle you could offer her.
X-rays were ran before surgery and the vet found numerous tumours and decided best all round to leave her asleep.



domestic short hair - female

Mia's StoryBy Jan Cullen

I fostered Mia in January 2017. She was around 4 weeks old and had been taken to Hawkesbury Shelter at around 3 weeks of age. She had stayed with another foster carer for a few days and appeared to be doing well. She didn’t do so well with me. She refused to drink kitten formulaand nothing I could do would convince her otherwise. She ate kitten food with gusto. She refused to use the litter boxes provided for her and I ended up with 3 litter boxes around the house which she eventually decided were safe to use. She didn’t like Emma (my DCH adopted Pomeranian) or me. On her first night I popped her into a sleeping cage in my bedroom. I woke up during the night to find her at the end of my bed. The next night I blocked all possible exits from the cage but the same thing happened so the cage was popped back into the shed and she was allowed to sleep on the bed.

It took her weeks to decide that Emma and I were okay. We let her get to know us at her own pace. She didn’t purr and was happy to sleep on the bed or play with her toys. She definitely wasn’t an affectionate cat.
She had all her vaccinations and was desexed, however, she remained a very small kitten.

Given time, she started following me around and when I was watching television or on the computer she would jump up on my lap. She started to purr which was like music to my ears. What appeared to be little steps to me were huge leaps of faith (and trust) for her. She loved her food and would often wake the dog early in the morningknowing that the dog would harass me until she got her breakfast. She would then chase the dog out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. It was like a herd of elephants running through the house. We all eventually settled into life together and I made the decision to adopt her. Mia loved the windowsills, especially the kitchen one where she could watch the birds in the birdbath.

She appeared to be lethargic one Saturday so I kept an eye on her and when she didn’t improve I took her to the Leura Emergency Vet early on Sunday morning. They suspected a kidney problem and took blood which showed her kidneys were fine. However, her temperature was high and they put her on a drip. They kept her overnight. It was the first time I had been parted from Mia and it was awful. I worried about her constantly and on Monday morning, she was transferred to Katoomba Vet. I picked her up and took her to Julie at Bowenfels Vet. A blood test was done and it was suspected that she had toxoplasmosis. She started treatment and was kept on a drip until Thursday morning when I brought her home. She didn’t respond very well and for the first 3 weeks of her illness, I didn’t think she would make it. Emma was her constant companion and we all formed a very close bond. Then she seemed to turn the corner on the fourth week - she started eating a little more, wanted to hang out and I was thrilled with her improvement. However, after her next lot of tests it was suspected that she had Feline Infection Peritonitis (FIP) and she soon went downhill again. By the following Sunday she was becoming lethargic, snuffly and lost interest in food. Her weight had gone down to 1.9 kgs. Unfortunately, on Monday morning she showed signs of the neurological form of FIP. She was deteriorating quickly and the decision was made to euthanase her as she was starting to show signs of discomfort.

I missed her terribly and nothing I did could fill the void. The house was empty without her. She really fought to keep going and I am so pleased that she came to me. There is a special place in my heart for the beautiful girl who never got to enjoy a long life.



Pointer cross - female

Missy is a 3-year old female pointer-cross girl. In Missy's current home she does not get along with the family dog, and hence is coming back into care to find a new home where they are more compatible. When in care, Missy was housed with many other dogs and did not show any aggression. She is very good with people, and responds well to training. She is good both inside and outside of the house.
Missy does not get along with cats, and so she can't go to a home where they are. If there is another dog in the household, a meet and greet will be perfect just to make sure they will get along well.
Missy is desexed, microchipped and vaccinated. If you're interested in Missy, please call Rod on 0418 239763.



domestic short hair - female

What a gorgeous girl Tigger has turned out to be ....she was found dumped in a park at 4 weeks of age with her sisters , luckily a good samaritan found them and handed them over to rescue .

Tigger is everything a kitten should be ...playful , affectionate, loving, and a little bit crazy with some confidence added in.She is more than comfortable around the resident dogs and isn't bothered by the 3 resident adult cats.

Tigger would suit just about all households.

Who will be the lucky person to adopt this little gem ???

She loves her food and uses the litter tray like a champ.

Tigger has had her first vaccination ..has been wormed.. microchipped and flea treated.
Her adoption fee will cover de-sexing when she is old enough at one of our many approved vets



Domestic Short Hair - female

RIP Alara. She came into care very sick, and although we all fought really hard to help her, she was just too tiny and fragile and could fight no longer.

Alara is a sweet, tiny, gentle little girl with very unusual but remarkable eyes: one green and one blue! She is a beautiful girl that has a lot of love to give and is looking for a special family that will always hold her dear to their hearts and welcome her as part of their family and love her unconditionally.

Alara is still very tiny so she won't be ready for adoption just yet but you are welcome to ring or text her foster carer if you'd like to make any pre-adoption enquiries or have any questions.

Sponsorship Needed:

Ninja II

Ninja II

Ginger/white - male

Surrendered from Blacktown pound, described as friendly. Has been vaccinated, microchipped. Staff have labelled Ninja II as delightful.



DSH - male

Ruben .....hopefully he won't get overlooked just because he is a tabby ....he is absolutely gorgeous inside and out. Ruben has a very loving personality ...he gets on with everyone including the resident dogs and cats.

Ruben loves a good rumble with his siblings and he loves his toys.
A true sweetheart

Ruben has had his first vaccination and has been flea and worm treated and of course micro chipped.

Ruben's adoption fee will cover his desexing at one of our approved vets when he is old enough.

Really delightful little man.



DSH - male

Little Ace was unwell and passed on 14/4/18



DSH - female

Little Chloe was ill and Passed away on 11/4/18



DSH - female

Just wasnt meant to be